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1381 Connemara Cir
Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563
United States

(520) 237-0285

Extensive successes leading operations and planning.  Demonstrated ability to think and act decisively under pressure as well as recognize and exploit emerging opportunities.  Recognized leadership and innovation during high-pressure crisis management and budget-constrained operations.  Track record of international and cross-discipline team building and engagement.  Excels in dynamic environments while retaining ability to prioritize and focus.

Success Stories

Ongoing Fixed-Cost Labor Solution Nets 100% Production During 25% Labor Cut and Saves $400K

Twenty-five percent labor losses due to sequestration were going to prevent organization from making productivity requirements.  Circumstances forbade use of additional labor or overtime.

Devised solution to relocate training during weekends and use fixed-cost labor from location that did not require use of contract labor.  Saved four full shifts of hourly overtime labor each weekend of operation.

Saved $2K on every remote event and produced 56 training events from 28 low-cost missions during sequestration period to meet 100% of pre-sequestration productivity requirements.  Program was so successful that continued usage has raised recapture to $400K on 12.7M program adding 3% to the bottom line.


Streamlined Supply Chain Saves $650K

Scheduling and routing of reconnaissance platform required multiple air refuelings during every mission to meet required productivity rate.

Recognized planning shortfall and opportunity to realign mission.  Adjusted transit times, route of flight, and fuel loads to eliminate one air refueling per mission.

Eliminated extra supply node every day during entire operation to recapture $650K in logistics expenses.


Startup Digital Magazine Drives 28% Growth in Event Income

Regional classic vehicle association was experiencing difficulty in communicating with membership as well as stagnant participation in their marquee event paired with declining volunteer rates to support event hosting.

Designed and launched new digital magazine aimed at promoting membership and activities with a specific focus on improving the association's show and rally.  Supported objectives by building features promoting events, highlighting maintenance tips, teaching technical skills and featuring members cars, motorcycles and activities in order to appeal to a broad range of existing and potential members and event participants.

New magazine generated a 28% growth in event registration during its first year of publication and delivered a 35% increase in voluntary event workers enabling continued growth of the association's signature event.


Fast Action Prevents $111K Daily Production Loss

$400M aircraft and operations crew were inflight to overseas location form the US and expected to begin immediate operations upon arrival.  Regional commanders had selected the operating location for this asset based upon published data.  Local construction closed the last several thousand feet of runway ensuring that the plane, once landed, could not take off again until construction was complete.

Upon being advised this asset package was due to pass overhead enroute to its destination, contacted embassy at destination and learned conflicting information about unpublished construction at the destination.  Contacted on-site experts and verified incompatible conditions.  Took initiative ordering aircraft to land at local field.

Prevented a $111K daily production loss that was estimated to span at least a ten-day period as well as eliminated a potential safety mishap. 

Audit Eliminates 112 Errors to Ensure External Compliance Inspection Success

Lack of standardization among production records jeopardized unit’s potential for passing upcoming inspections.  Records structure and book keeping errors were outside regulatory guidance.

Up channeled findings and proposed corrective action.   Oversaw implementation of compliant record keeping and provided internal audits throughout upgrade.  Corrected 112 individual record deficiencies during audit of 952 production records.

Instructor and student production records achieved full-compliance marks during two external inspections.

Thirty percent Reduction in Regulatory Guidance Drives Higher Compliance

Guidance carried by aircrews for reference during combat missions exceeded 130 pages, reducing their utility in flight and increasing the likelihood that aircrews would fail to act in accordance with the guidance.

Selected and led team of four to review guidance and incorporate seven external teams make 250 changes and cut 40 pages from the command guidance and provide concise command directives of allowable actions in combat.

Changes approved by regional commander and standardized throughout Middle-East air operations.  Standardized NATO operations to eliminate flight safety risks.

New Digital Emergency Checklists Cut Response Time and Archive Crisis Response

Quick reaction binders in headquarters operations division lacked standardization, suffered disuse during emergencies, and failed to establish record of actions taken during emergencies.

Initiated new checklist process using MS Info Path software to create electronic checklist forms with archival features and standardized processes.  Set usage requirements and conducted training exercises for usage in conjunction with upload suspenses and regular audits.

Established e-checklists for emergencies as the standard for the Middle-East and adopted as standard by at two other headquarters.

Ad-Hoc Asset Management Restores Critical Capabilities

Redundant systems failure suddenly blinded headquarters to the activities of regional rivals and simultaneously eliminated the ability to task assets to respond.  No plan existed to mitigate such an emergency.

Directed key personnel in establishing wireless connectivity with critical sensors and response assets within minutes and tied into nearby hard-wired circuits a few minutes later to restore basic control of key sensors and response assets.

Outside-the-box solution quickly ended risk of surprise actions from area rivals and eliminated risk of unintended actions by response assets.

Diligence Recovers $102K in Unreimbursed Expenses

Misapplication of travel and pay regulations led to consultant team subject to reduced reimbursement for work performed in new organization launch.

Reviewed existing guidance and policy and established chain of evidence revealing 60% underpayment for contracted work.  Rigorously engaged external auditors with findings. 

Collected over $102K in lost disbursements for operations team during 14 week contract.

Streamlined Requirements Drive 17% Reduction in Start-Up Costs

Excess capability and personnel allocation dictated significant transportation costs over the cost of the actual assets required for the new installation.

Evaluated every hired individual's qualifications as well as equipment projections to capitalize on redundant capabilities and qualifications to to pare down the actual personnel and tonnage required to launch the new international installation.

Trimmed 17% from the transportation budget to realize $476K in bottom line savings without any loss or delay of production capability.

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